Beethoven 250 – Virtual Tribute Concert with The American Virtuosi at 6 PM EST on Dec. 16
2020 is the 250th anniversary year of the musical genius Ludwig van Beethoven. Please mark your calendars for a tribute concert on Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 6 – 7:30 pm EST.
GAHF, in collaboration with the German Embassy in Washington, DC and The American Virtuosi, will honor this giant of classical music whose work is so important that it features not once, but twice, on the Voyager Golden Record sent into outer space via NASA’s two Voyager probes demonstrating humanity’s greatest achievements. His music has also been used to great effect in numerous films, and his “Ode to Joy” serves as the anthem of the Council of Europe and the European Union.
Enjoy a selection of Beethoven’s beautiful works from the comfort of your home. This is a free event, and will be broadcast via Facebook Livestream. However, you don’t need a Facebook account to watch the premiere. Please bookmark our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GAHMuseum to ensure an easy and stress-free viewing experience.
If you missed the event, please visit our YouTube channel to view the entire performance.