The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA®
German-American Heritage Museum of the USA™

The German-American Heritage Museum of the USA™ opened in March, 2010 in a building once known as Hockemeyer Hall. Renovations were completed by the GAHF after acquiring the building in 2008. Located on 6th Street NW in the heart of the old European-American section of Washington, the Museum sits in what is now a thriving commercial neighborhood.
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March 20, 2018
Washington, DC
The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® serves as the national membership association for German-American heritage. GAHF cultivates a greater awareness for German-American heritage and history through outreach efforts that deepen cultural understanding.
We are committed to:
- Sharing a positive image of Americans of German-speaking heritage by focusing on their historical contributions to American society.
- Strengthening the ethnic awareness and diversity of German-Americans.
- Promoting the German language and culture.
- Cultivating German American friendship and bonds.
- Supporting cooperative efforts among German-Americans and their organizations.
The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® (GAHF) is dedicated to preserving, educating and promoting the cultural heritage of Americans of German-speaking ancestry. Our mission is to be an effective voice for German-Americans in cultural and public policy matters in the United States.
The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA, Inc. was established in 1977 and chartered the following year as the United German-American Committee of the USA, Inc. as an independent, tax-exempt, educational, not-for profit organization.
What we do:
Increasepublic knowledge about the rich heritage of all Americans of German speaking descent
Educatethe American public about the historical contributions of German-Americans to the growth and development of society in the United States
Developa broader understanding and deeper knowledge about the Germany of today and its role in transatlantic relations and on the world stage
Promotethe German language and culture
Supportcooperative efforts among all German-Americans in the United States
CultivateGeman-American friendship and cooperation
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