COVID-19 Update and Upcoming Projects
Two months have passed since we temporarily shut our doors following declarations of a public health emergency in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. While some parts of the country are slowly opening up again, Washington, DC’s mayor, Muriel Bowser, last week extended the stay-at-home order for the city and its non-essential businesses through June 8. Please click here to read Mayor Bowser’s order. Unfortunately, the city doesn’t yet meet the criteria outlined by the federal government for a phased reopening, and this decision directly impacts GAHF and our museum. We must remain closed at least until June 8.
Exhibit plans, film presentations, and special events such as our annual gala will either move into the virtual realm or have been put on hold and shifted to later dates. We are currently working on many different projects, including a wonderful anthology of German-American contributions to the United States with author Lynne Breen entitled “How German Ingenuity Inspired America: More Fun, More Beauty, More Freedom” which we expect to publish later this year.
Furthermore, we are in the process of developing a comprehensive German-American Heritage Website that not only unites the many small and large German-American organizations throughout the country, but also raises awareness about German-heritage sites. We are very much hoping that you will assist us with valuable insights and information in this mighty endeavor!
Last but not least, we are reviving our oral history project. Everybody has a story, and we want you to tell us yours! We will soon send a separate email with links to a short online questionnaire, and a simple and free audio recording tool that allows you to tell us who you are, how you or your ancestors came to the US, and what role you see German-Americans play today — in as many or as few words as you choose.
We will keep you updated about this evolving situation, and hope that you are safe and healthy.