Congressional Resolution on German-American Friendship
Representative Keating, one of the co-chairmen of the Congressional German-American Caucus, has submitted the following resolution reaffirming German-American friendship and cooperation to the 117th Congress on Nov. 4, 2021.Please click here to read it on the House of Representatives site.
Reaffirming German-American friendship and cooperation initiative.
Mr. KEATING submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
Reaffirming German-American friendship and cooperation initiative. Whereas the United States and Germany have a close bond and friendship based on historical ties and shared values that must be maintained and strengthened;
Whereas, in 2018, Germany and the United States launched Wunderbar Together, with the goal of promoting the robust relationship between Germans and Americans and showcasing the close links between our countries based on heritage, common values, and shared interests;
Whereas there are more than 40,000,000 Americans of German origin living in the United States, many of whom have provided valuable contributions to the growth and development of the United States and to the maintenance of strong ties to Germany and the German people;
Whereas today the United States and Germany are close political allies, partners, and friends working together for a peaceful world order based on the rule of law;
Whereas Germany is an important trading partner of the United States in the European Union, and United States affiliates of German firms employ more than 861,000 United States workers, and Germans have invested $522,000,000,000 in the United States, 29 percent of all foreign direct investment from the European Union, and Americans have invested more than $148,000,000,000 in Germany.
Whereas the United States played a leading role in the reconstruction of Germany after World War II through political and financial means, laying the groundwork for the establishment of a peaceful, democratic postwar West Germany and paving the way for close United States West Germany bilateral relations;
Whereas the United States played a crucial role in the unification of Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which took place 32 years ago this November; and
Whereas Germany and the United States maintain strong bilateral ties and cooperate closely on the global stage and through international organizations where both countries work to promote shared values including human rights, democracy, and the rule of law: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
1 (1) recognizes and highlights the importance of
2 the alliance between the United States and Germany
3 in—
4 (A) an enduring shared commitment to our
5 free and democratic societies;
6 (B) expanding and deepening economic
7 prosperity for the United States and Europe;
8 and
9 (C) protecting and defending our security,
10 freedom, and common values;
11 (2) recognizes the strong personal, cultural, and
12 historical ties between our populations and govern
13 ments, and the importance of our common set of
14 fundamental values as guiding principles for tackling
15 the growing global challenges of the 21st century;
16 and
17 (3) reaffirms the deep and historical friendship
18 between the Government and people of the United
19 States and the Government and people of Germany.