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Der Vampir auf der Couch Film Screening

Der Vampir auf der Couch Film Screening OctoberOct 30 2018 19:00 - 21:00 America/New_York


Tuesday, October 30, 7pm - 9pm

With Halloween right around the corner, Der Vampir auf der Couch (Therapy for a Vampire) is the perfect blend of humor and horror! The film, which takes place in Vienna in 1932, tells the story of Count Geza von Közsnöm, a Romanian vampire fed up with his centuries-long marriage and bored by his wife, Countess Elsa. Count Geza, seeking professional psychiatric help for his matrimonial woes, begins seeing none other than Sigmund Freud, who is entirely unaware that his patient is a member of the undead. Freud suggests Count Geza commission a portrait of Elsa, who, unable to see her own reflection in the mirror, is desperate to be reassured of her beauty. What follows causes Geza and his wife to become entangled in the lives of a young couple while being forced to examine their own relationship. This parody of love and relationships explores common romantic themes from a new angle and shows that even vampires are susceptible to the most human of problems: how to reignite the spark in a stale marriage.

This film will be shown in German with English subtitles.

Light refreshments will be provided!

Cost: $8 for non-members; $5 for members; $3 for children 12 and under

Location: GAHM, 719 Sixth St. NW Washington, DC 20001

Kindly request your reservation at or by telephone at 202.467.5000

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