Der Tod in Venedig Film Screening
Tuesday, November 20, 2pm - 4pm
Based on the novella by Thomas Mann and directed by the Italian Luchino Visconti, Der Tod in Venedig (Death in Venice) contrasts tragic themes against the backdrop of stunning Venetian scenery. The main character, Gustav von Aschenbach, travels to Venice in search of a better climate following health problems. There, he becomes obsessed with a Polish teenager named Tadzio, who is staying with his family at the same hotel as Aschenbach. Tadzio emerges as a symbol of youth, beauty, and good health; this is in stark contrast to Aschenbach himself, who never speaks to Tadzio but merely admires him from afar. Staying true to the original novella, the film explores themes of health, beauty, artistic inspiration, and the correlation among them.
This film will be shown in German with English subtitles.
Coffee and cake will be provided!
Cost: $8 for non-members; $5 for members; $3 for children 12 and under
Location: GAHM, 719 Sixth St. NW Washington, DC 20001
Kindly request your reservation at info@gahmusa.org or by telephone at 202.467.5000
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