Sissi – Fateful Years of an Empress Film Screening
Saturday, July 28th, 2018 from noon - 2pm
This film is in German with ENGLISH subtitles
Cost: $8 for non-members; $5 for members; $3 for children 12 and under
Coffee, cake, and lemonade will be served!
In the final installment of the Sissi trilogy, Sissi is crowned Queen of Hungary while her separation from Franz Joseph brings unwanted suitors. Once again, Sissi must manage the world of romance under the strict rules imposed upon royalty. After stressful conflict, Sissi and Franz Joseph decide to travel to Bad Ischl to relax; along the way, Sissi falls dangerously ill. With her life in the hands of fate, she travels to Madeira in hopes of finding a more comfortable climate. Meanwhile, tensions rise in northern Italy as the people dream of independence from Austrian control. Will Sissi have to lead her people into war? Does Sissi survive in the final chapter of the trilogy?
Please make your reservation at or by telephone at 202.467.5000.
Location: GAHM, 719 Sixth Street, NW, Washington, D.C, 20001
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