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Opening Reception for Exile: Experience & Testimony 1933-1945

Opening Reception for Exile: Experience & Testimony 1933-1945 JuneJun 12 2018 18:30 - 20:30 America/New_York

Celebrate the official opening of our new exhibit with us:

Exile. Experience and Testimony 1933 - 1945

Despite visa requirements and a restrictive quota system that limited immigration options depending on the country of origin, the USA was the most important country of exile during the National Socialist era, admitting a total of 130,000 to 140,000 German-speaking refugees. The touring exhibition is a part of the “Year of German-American Friendship Initiative 2018/19”, a comprehensive and collaborative initiative of the Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institute, and with support ‎of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), highlighting the decades long relationship grounded in common values, interests, and goals.

Which experiences led people to seek exile? How and with whose help did they manage to flee? How did their lives change once they arrived? Did their time in exile end and did they eventually return to their country of birth? Explore the answers to these and other questions based on the testimony of select individuals whose personal stories help make history come alive.
Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP by email to or call 202.467.5000

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