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COVID-19 Update: Reopening of the GAHM Begins

Dear Members and Friends,

On Monday, June 22, Washington, D.C. entered phase 2 of the gradual reopening, which allows non-essential businesses to provide expanded services with capacity limits. As you know, our museum temporarily closed in mid-March in response to the coronavirus outbreak. We very much missed seeing you at our film screenings, lectures, social events, and exhibits, but we know that we will get through this together, and we thank you for your loyalty and continued support. We are carefully monitoring the situation in our community, and will do everything to ensure the health and safety of our valued members, visitors, and staff. To reduce the risk of infection, we are adopting certain safeguards:

  • Please call ahead or send an email to inform us of your visit: 202.467.5000 or
  • Current hours are 11 am to 4:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday.
  • Masks or cloth facial coverings are required to enter the building.
  • When you enter the museum, please check in at the front desk. You will be asked to leave your name and phone number so we can contact you should we become aware of an infection on our premises.
  • Please perform frequent hand hygiene. Hand sanitizer is available at the front desk.
  • Practice social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines. Keep 6 feet of distance between you and other people who are not in your household.
  • If you are feeling unwell or were recently exposed to somebody with COVID-19, please stay home!

All of these measures, including possible temperature checks with a contact free thermometer, are designed to protect you and our staff. The official guidelines and requirements for museums like ours might change, requiring us to update this plan at any time. Please check our Website and social media accounts for current information.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please stay safe and healthy.

Kind regards,

Katja Sipple
Executive Director

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