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Schultüte Crafting Activity

Schultüte Crafting Activity AugustAug 24 2018 13:00 - 14:30 America/New_York

Schultüte – Crafting Activity at the GAHM!

Friday, August 24 from 1:00 pm -2:30 pm

Join us for the GAHM’S very first Schultüte crafting activity! The Schultüte, a long-lasting tradition dating back to approximately 1810, is an integral part of students’ very first day of school in Germany as well as parts of Austria, Switzerland, Poland, and the Czech Republic. On their first day of elementary school, students receive a container, shaped like an ice cream cone and decorated with bright colors and fun ribbon, filled with school supplies as well as chocolate and other goodies that make students excited, rather than anxious, about going to school. The cones are prepared by the parents or grandparents and given to children the morning of their first day but are not opened until students return home from school in the afternoon.

Museum staff will demonstrate how to create and decorate your own school cone. All decorations and supplies will be provided; however, goodies for filling the inside of the cone will need to be purchased separately.

Cost: $20/person or $30/family

Tickets can be purchased online or at the door (cash only).

Please respond by August 22 to or 202.467.5000. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate RSVPs made later than August 22.

Location: German-American Heritage Museum, 719 6th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001

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