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Goethe! Film Screening

Goethe! Film Screening SeptemberSep 05 2018 14:00 - 16:00 America/New_York


Wednesday, September 5, 2pm - 4pm

This 2010 historical-fiction film, starring Alexander Fehling and Miriam Stein, tells the story of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s young adulthood and his beginnings as a poet and novelist. After failing his doctoral examination in law at the University of Strasbourg in 1772, Goethe, a disappointment to his father, is sent to the small town of Wetzlar in Hesse, Germany, to work in the imperial law court there. Goethe is bored by the tedious tasks he’s assigned at work and aspires to become a poet, but becomes distracted when he meets Lotte Buff, the beautiful daughter of a widower. Conflict arises when Goethe begins to fall in love with Lotte, who is engaged to Goethe’s boss. The ensuing events cause Goethe to write his renowned novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther, which brought him so much of his acclaim. Through romance, tragedy, and disappointment, the film is an entertaining perspective on one of the greatest minds in German history.

While the film draws upon history for its inspiration, many of the details of the film and of Goethe’s life are fabricated. This film may contain themes unsuitable for young children.

This film will be shown in German with GERMAN subtitles.

Coffee and cake will be provided!

Location: GAHM, 719 Sixth St. NW Washington, DC 20001

Kindly request your reservation at or by telephone at 202.467.5000

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