Distinguished German-Americans
The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA®
German-American Heritage Museum of the USA™

The German-American Heritage Museum of the USA™ opened in March, 2010 in a building once known as Hockemeyer Hall. Renovations were completed by the GAHF after acquiring the building in 2008. Located on 6th Street NW in the heart of the old European-American section of Washington, the Museum sits in what is now a thriving commercial neighborhood.
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1987 – 2019
Distinguished German-Americans
Every year, since 1987 the German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® (GAHF) has recognized an American of German-speaking ancestry for outstanding leadership and achievements in business, the arts, education, science, politics and society. The Distinguished German-American of the Year™ Award is the only national honor of this kind.

Dr. Hans-Jörg Königsmann
On Oct. 7, 2023, Hans-Jörg Königsmann was honored by the German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA as the 2023 Distinguished German-American of the Year at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC.
Dr. Hans-Jörg Königsmann, CA2023
Former Governor Jerry Brown, CA2022
Dr. Karl Wolfgang Böer † (Posthumously), DE2021
Mr. Erich Ast †, PA; Mr. Frederick H. W. Hansen, NY; Mr. Helmut Krüger, NJ; Mr. Hank Stoffel, CA2019
Mr. Peter Thiel, CA & Germany2018
Mr. Robert M. Hitt, SC2017
Mr. Philip F. Anschutz, CO2016
Mr. Doug Oberhelman, IL2015
Mr. Helge H. Wehmeier, PA2014
Mr. Bern E. Deichmann †, PA2013
Chef Walter Staib, PA2012
Mr. Robert B. Zoellick, MD2011
Honorable Paul A. Volcker, NY2010
Mr. William R. Timken, Jr. (Ambassador ret.), OH2009
Mrs. Wilma L. Schmidt † (Posthumously), PA2008
Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer †, VA2008
Mrs. Margrit B. Krewson †, DC2007
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf † & Mrs. Brenda Schwarzkopf, FL2006
Dr. Günter Blobel, M.D., Ph.D., †, NY2005
Mr. Albert Wurz †, PA2004
Mr. Walter Brand †, CA2003
Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, OH2002
Mr. Detlef “Ted” Hierl †, NJ2001
Mr. John Patrick Schmitz, Esq., DC2000
Mr. C. John Muller †, PA1999
Prof. Dr. Otto I. Walter, Esq. †, NY1998
Mr. Gerald R. Kainz †, DC1997
Mr. Bruno Karnas †, PA1996
Mr. William Hetzler, NY1995
Mrs. Doris Meissner, WI1994
Dr. George J. Beichl †, PA1993
Mr. Heinz C. Prechter †, MI1992
Mr. Albrecht Maier, NJ1991
Mr. Eric Braeden, CA1990
Mr. Werner Fricker †, PA1989
The Honorable Ruth E. Denk †, NY1988
Mr. Karl Ehmer †, NY1987
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