Every year, since 1987, GAHF has honored a distinguished German-American at our Annual Gala to recognize outstanding leadership and the contributions and achievements of Americans of German-speaking ancestry.
In 2019 we will honor four prominent individuals who have greatly influenced both GAHF and the wider German-American community. True to our mission of representing German-Americans across the nation, these honorees all come from different states where they have worked diligently on behalf of German-American issues.
This year’s gala will take place on Friday, November 8, 2019 at the German Society of Pennsylvania, 611 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123.
6 o’clock – Cocktail Reception in the historic Joseph Horner Library
7 o’clock – Dinner and Dancing in the Barthelmes Ballroom
The 2019 Distinguished German-Americans of the Year are:
Erich Ast (Pennsylvania)
One of our great supporters and a benefactor of our foundation, a former long-time treasurer, and a decades-long member of the board of directors.
Frederick H. W. Hansen (New York)
An incorporating member of GAHF in 1977, former secretary, a board member since its inception.
Helmut Krueger (New Jersey)
One of the original co-founders, who served in many capacities including as president and vice president.
Hank Stoffel (California)
Our decades-long regional vice president for Northern California, 2nd VP, and a board member since he first joined GAHF.
We look forward to seeing you!
Sponsorship Opportunities are available. Please contact Executive Director Katja Sipple at sipple@gahmusa.org or 202.467.5000 ext. 105.